Our religious education program is based on continuing Jesus' mission and ministry of proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God and on helping our pastor carry out his catechist duties. The office of Religious Education is also in charge of supporting, teaching and guiding the many catechists who help us accomplish this very important mission. These catechists carry out their ministry knowing that they are called to live out their Catholic faith in every part of their lives.
At present, our religious program serves around 820 students, raging in ages from first to twelfth grade.

Catechism is the process through which children, youth and adults of our community discover and share the mystery of their Christian faith. We may share our faith in a classroom setting and during special gatherings or celebrations that bring us closer to Jesus. Catechism goes beyond preparing children for their Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation. It is an intricate process that begins at home with the introduction to the Sacraments and continues with the completion of the Sacraments of Initiation and with faith-formation classes every year after that. That is why we invite you to register your children after they have completed their Sacraments of Initiation to continue growing in their Catholic faith.
When we celebrate our Catholic faith together as a community, it grows and strengthens. This is why it is important to attend Mass together as a family. We invite you and your entire family to join us for Mass regularly. Our Catholic tradition teaches us that the gift of Faith is to be nurtured and fed every day. When a child is baptized in the Catholic Church, he or she becomes part of an extended family, which provides all the means necessary to grow and fortify the gift of faith with the graces of God.
Faith formation or "Catechesis" is a long journey for each individual and the basic mission of the Catholic Church. Each person is responsible to grow in faith, as it is the church's responsibility to make our faith known to all.
In the religious education section, you will find more information about the different services offered by our program.
Religious Education Classes for Children and Teenagers
For Children and Teenagers 1st to 10th: Usually two years preparation are required.
- For Registration Information please click on this link: Office of Catechesis.
- To Register please visit this link and complete the Online Application. Registration Forms.
- For more information contact Mr. Miguel Ruiz, MFT, BTh, Director de Catecismo