Bible Studies

More info
- Claudia Erthal
- (305) 772-5040
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
An in-depth Scripture study for both beginners and experienced Bible students to grow closer to Jesus Christ and His Church, in an environment of Christian fellowship and prayer.
The program we use is Catholic Scripture Study (CSS) which is completely faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Our study includes lectures given by Catholic priests on DVD that accompany each week's lesson. Weekly lesson and study questions are reviewed in discussion group.
Each student will need to purchase a Study Binder.
Boy & Girl Scouts

Scouting Is Adventure, Family, Fun, Character, Leadership and So Much More!
More Info
- Doral Glades Park, Tuesday at 7.00 pm
- BSA TROOP 552 Boys
- Doral Glades Park, Wednesday at 7.15 pm
- BSA TROOP 552 Girls
- Doral Glades Park, Wednesday at 7.00 pm
- Doral Glades Park, Wednesday at 7.30pm
In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their best future selves. It is fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life. In a close faith relationship.
Unit 552 Doral offer:
- Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. Available to boys and girls from kindergarten through fifth grade, or 5 to 10 years of age and their families. Cub Scouting is part of the worldwide Scouting movement and aims to promote character development, citizenship training, personal fitness, and leadership.
- Scout BSA is the traditional Scouting experience for boys and girl in the fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.
- Girl Scouts troop 552 in Doral was founded 13 years ago. We count with 50 registered happy members from kinder to 12th grade. When your girl becomes a Girl Scout, she will: Join a group of local girls—called a troop. Practice new skills and earn Girl Scout badges and awards while making new friends. Enjoy the great outdoors. Make the world a better place by helping her community
Children's Rosary
Friends of Jesus and Mary
More Info
- Saturdays (Bilingual)
- 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
It is an apostleship geared for children three years and up. An answer to the call from Fatima that Our Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary made to the three little shepherds. This ministry has been created with the finality of teaching the children to pray, to explore, meditate and know the mysteries of JESUS and MARY's lives through the Holy Rosary and bible reading.

Inspired by the apparitions of Fatima the children are invited: To form prayer groups to know and love Jesus through reading and meditating the bible. To consecrate themselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and place them under the protection of their Guardian Angel. To pray the Holy Rosary with their families. To pray for peace, unity and conversion in their families. To make small sacrifices according to their age as the Virgin of Fatima requested.
Armata Bianca

The Armata Bianca is an ecclesiastic Association, It was founded in 1973 by the Capuchin Father Andrea D'Ascanio by the will of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and Padre Pio Delle Piane, his spiritual fathers.
Armata Bianca's main goal is the spiritual care of children with their Consecration to the Father through Mary, with the formation of Nests of prayer.
- Family Nest - Father, mother and siblings who congregate to pray the rosary.
- Parish Nest - Children who meet on a weekly basis to pray together.
We pray the Holy Rosary for these intentions:
- The battle for the defense of Life and the realization of the burial of babies victims of abortion.
- For the analysis of the Dives in Misericordia in order to make known the tenderness of God the Father;
- For missionary evangelization, in the spirit of Montfort, especially in Eastern Europe and in the Americas; with the valorization of suffering ("Assistance to Suffering Humanity").
- For the assistance of the most abandoned children.
- For the construction and restoration of churches and with other apostolic initiatives.
Padre Pio's desire to form children's prayer nests arose from the Heart of Jesus itself: «Let the children come to me, do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God» (Lk 18,16).
Cursillo Movement

More info
- Manuel Ramirez
- Coordinator
- Tuesdays (Spanish)
- 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
"The Cursillo Movement" is a movement of the Roman Catholic Church ministering worldwide and having the same apostolic purpose as the Church herself evangelization. The Cursillo, by means of its own method, makes it possible for Catholic people to live what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to live it in community. It helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations ad it promotes the creation of core groups of Christians in all walks of life. They, in turn, leaven their environments with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, fulfilling their baptismal responsibility.
A "Cursillo de Cristiandad" does not simply "happen once"; it is "lived", as cursillistas say. It is an experience that begins a Thursday night with the "Cursillo" farewell and extends to Sunday, when a special closing ceremony takes place right after the 5:00PM mass. Many have described this experience as a "cruise for the soul" or "the best detergent for the soul." What is certain for all participants is that "Cursillo" allows them to discover or rediscover the love of Christ to share with their brothers and sisters.
Make a decision today to give three days to the Lord; He will in turn give back more than you can imagine. Many participants' testimonies say that "Cursillo is a miracle," and how could it not be if it is a gift from God? A gift to His children!
Reunion de Cursillo se llevan a cabo Todos los Martes desde las 8:15 pm via ZOOM Virtual Room.
- Meeting ID: 938 6401 2448
- Passcode: 873020
"Walking next to Jesus changes everything in your life."

More Info
- Meet weekly in the Parish Office.
- Men: Tuesday 7:30 PM - Bilingual (Spanish and English).
- Women: Wednesday 8:00 PM - Bilingual (Spanish and English).
Lay, committed people, who hold a firm desire of serving the Lord, organize Emmaus retreats. Through their volunteer work during retreats, they announce the good news that Jesus Christ lives and walks amongst us.
Emmaus retreats are a place of refuge for people desiring to experience God alive in their lives. They are for men and women looking to renew and deepen their relationship with our Lord, and for those wanting to pause to evaluate their spiritual and personal growth.
Emmaus retreats are not silent retreats. Their platform is based on the scripture from the Gospel according to St. Luke, Chapter 24, verses 13-35, in which disciples of Jesus are headed to the town of Emmaus, near Jerusalem. While they were speaking, Jesus Himself joined them and began walking with them, but they did not recognize Him. Come night time, Jesus gave the impression that He was going on farther, but they urged Him that He join them for dinner. While they were seated, Jesus took the bread, and giving thanks to God, He broke it and gave it to His disciples. At that moment, their eyes were opened and they were able to recognize the resurrected Jesus.

The main objective of this special weekend is to give candidates (participants) the opportunity to reconcile with God by thoroughly reflecting on their lives. This goal is achieved through the sharing of personal testimonies from team members, especially those from selected speakers. When team members share their experiences, candidates can relate to them and through these shared experiences, they grow closer to God. Emmaus is a point of entry; it is a weekend long encounter with our Lord, where participants learn about God's infinite and unconditional love for all of us and of his abundant mercy.
Emmaus retreats help our church community to grow.
Eucharistic Adoration
More Info
- Guillermo Salomon
- Coordinator
- (786) 397-0980
- Monday to Sunday
- 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM
The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a private meeting with the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Mother Theresa of Calcutta said, "Eucharistic Adoration offers our communities the opportunity to unite in prayer with all religious for the salvation of the world, the salvation of all souls, and for peace on Earth. We cannot underestimate the power of prayer and the difference it will make in our world."
Being in front of Jesus Christ, alive and present in the Eucharist, is such a valuable opportunity resulting in abundant blessings! We thank, bless, praise and adore the presence of Our Lord. Our petitions are elevated to The One who offers the greatest consolation and abundant mercy.
You may sign up to be an "adorer" which allows you to schedule yourself for one or more hours per week to pray before the very presence of Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance. It means that you can have some time alone with Jesus to recite your favorite prayers, read the bible, contemplate acts of faith, hope, charity, thanksgiving, reparation, pray a rosary or do whatever type of prayerful devotion that suits you before Our Lord. You can just sit and say nothing simply keeping Him company, just as you would with a dear friend.
God is who gives us our time. Let's give time to the One who gives time to us, dedicating one holy hour a week to be in the real and live presence of The Most Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.
God Rich in Mercy

- Wednesday
- 10:25 AM to 11:30 AM
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Office
In 1931, Sister Faustina sees the Lord Jesus dresssed in a white robe. Red and pale rays stream forth from the area of His Heart, His left hand over His Heart while raising his right hand in blessing. Paint an image, He tells her, according to the pattern you see, bearing the signature, "I Trust in You".
He added, "I wish that this image be venerated first in this chapel and then in the whole world" (Diary, 47).
Please join us to:
- Venerate the image of the Divine Merciful Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
- Devoutly meditate on Our Lord's Passion.
- Pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Jesus said to Sister Faustina:
Promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish (Diary 48).
I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: "Jesus, I trust in You." (Diary, 327).
By means of this Image I shall be granting many graces to souls; so let every soul have access to it (Diary, 570).
There are few souls who contemplate My Passion with true feeling; I give great graces to souls who meditate devoutly on My Passion (Diary, 737).
"Constantly pray the chaplet I have taught you" This prayer weakens my wrath" (Diary, 476).
"Encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you. It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the chaplet" (Diary, 1541).
"Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will" (Diary, 1731).
"Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy" (Diary, 687).
Holy Rosary (Schedule)
Thursdays (English)
07:30 PM to 08:15 PM
San Juan Diego Parish Center
Mondays (Spanish)
08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
San Juan Diego Parish Center
Horizontes de Cristiandad

More info
- Para inscribirse
- 305.323.6581
Es necesario llenar planilla por teléfono para asistir.
El programa horizontes orientado a personas de la tercera edad, de 60 años en adelante, con el fin de motivar un mejoramiento en las. relaciones humanas... espirituales… ampliar los horizontes de la vida... acer- carse mas a dios...
Horizontes te abre sus puertas para que alcances
Conociéndote a ti mismo lograras una mejor:
- Relacion Familiar
- Relacion Con tus Hijos
Desarrolla tu vocación de adulto como:
- Padre/Madre
- Abuelo/Abuela
- Tio/Tia
- Amigo/Amiga
Desarrolla tu vocación de adulto con:
- Experiencia
- Fortaleza
- Ejenplo
Familiares y amigos esperan de ti
- Tu presencia
- Tu tiempo
- Tu comprensión
- Tu disponibilidad
- Tu Amor
- Tu Fe
No te quedes con ellos
- Ofrecelos...
- Compartelos
- Entregalos...
Privilegio que no todos alcanzan
- Disfrutala con AMOR
- Vivela Cristianamente
- Da De Lo Que Recibiste
Y así, serás el HORIZONTE
- Al Que Muchos Querran llegar
- Que Otros Podran Imitar
- Que Todos Admiraran
- Que Dios Bendecira
"Nuestra dignidad como seres humanos no depende de nuestra edad, nuestra dignidad proviene de ser hijos de dios".
"Es de necios no aprovechar la ciencia y la experiencia del anciano; y es de ancianos necios no aprovechar la ciencia y la experienc ia de los que no lo son"
"Pueblo que arrincona a sus abuelos, es pueblo que antes arrincono su corazon"
"La vejez es el tiempo en que dios mas espera de nosotros"
"Me pase la vida esperando a dios y lo encontre esperandome"
"Toda la vida huyendo para escapar de dios y al final descubro que lo llevaba dentro"
Marriage Retreats

Have you lost that loving feeling?
Want to feel like saying "I do" all over again, or just rekindle your marriage?
Come join us in Miami FL for a weekend that will heal old wounds, help you learn to communicate more effectively and bring your marriage back to life.
We can help put your marriage on the right path!
- Is your marriage cold and distant?
- Do you want to communicate better with your spouse?
- Would you like to rekindle and strengthen your relationship?
More Info
- (305) 915-4607
Retrouvaille has helped thousands of marriages worldwide.

- Thursdays (Bilingual)
- 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
The Music Ministry serves God and the parish community through their musical talents, by enhancing a deeper sense of worship and prayer to the liturgical celebration. These servers’ mission is to become living advocates of the Gospel through song.
Our Music Ministry consists of an exceptional group of musicians of various nationalities, with a high sense of commitment and dedication to the Lord.
Music plays, among the manifestations of the human spirit, a high function, unique and irreplaceable. When it is really beautiful and inspiring, talks, even more than all other arts, goodness, virtue, peace, of holy and divine things. And no wonder it was and always will be an essential part of the liturgy, as we can deduce from liturgical traditions of the Christian peoples of every continent. Blessed John Paul II, Pope - December 23, 1988
The Music Ministry welcomes all who are able and willing to share their voice or play a musical instrument to take part in this ministry.
Mission for the Love of God

The Mission For the Love of God Worldwide is a Private Association of the Faithful by decree of the Catholic Church, made up of committed laity and clergy, who moved by the current state of the world, promote the awareness and recognition of our dignity as children of God to help end the silence, apathy and complacency that surrounds the world these days.
Rosa Mystica

More Info
- Every 13th of the Month (Spanish)
- 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
Our group meets every 13th of the month at 12:00 noon at the Parish Center, but we moved to Saturday 12th at 1:00 pm if it is Sunday 13th.
In 2009, we began meeting in homes to pray the Holy Rosary. Mrs. Ana Andrade was our group leader. Three years later, by grace of our Blessed Mother, Father Israel Mago granted permission to hold our prayer group meetings at the Parish Center.
In our monthly hourly prayer meeting, we begin reciting the Holy Rosary followed by the Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears and songs in honor of our Most Holy Mother.
Group activities:
- Pilgrim Virgin Statue Visitation mainly to the sick, to hospitals, nursing homes and family homes.
- We cooperate throughout the year with our parish social and religious activities.
- We encourage attendees to join the activities of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
- Important dates:
- July 13th The Feast of Our Lady Mary Mystical Rose.
- October 13th The World League of Penitential Communion.
- December 8th The Hour of Grace (noon to 1 pm).
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
More Info
- (937) 387-8373
- Instagram:
- @sanvicentedoral
- @doral_jobs
- 3rd Thurdsay
- 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul es una organización cristiana y mundial sin Fines de Lucro, fundada en Paris en 1833 por un grupo de jóvenes laicos católicos y una persona mayor, quienes se unieron para crear la Primera Conferencia y la cual desde sus orígenes hasta el día de hoy tiene en sus miembros llamados VICENTINOS el llamado de servir a Cristo a través del Servicio a los pobres y a los más necesitados y así dar testimonio del amor de Cristo.
Los miembros muestran su compromiso por medio del contacto de persona a persona. Los Vicentinos servimos en La Esperanza...
No hay trabajo o caridad ajenos a la Sociedad. Se incluye cualquier forma de ayuda que alivie el sufrimiento o carencia y que promueva la dignidad humana en todas sus dimensiones, a cualquier persona, sin distingos de raza, credo o nacionalidad.
El Vicentino se esfuerza en buscar al pobre o necesitado, a los olvidados, a las víctimas de exclusión o que se encuentran en adversidad. La ayuda va desde proveer comida, dinero para pago de alquileres, luz o agua, atender a los enfermos, etc., etc...
Actualmente la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul, se encuentra en más de 150 países en todo el mundo y en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica sirve a más de 4.600 comunidades, ayudando cada año a más de 14 millones de personas.
La Conferencia Guadalupe en el Doral fue establecida en el año 2013, ante la necesidad imperiosa de ayuda a los más necesitados en nuestra comunidad.
Para llevar a cabo sus objetivos de ayuda, la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul requiere de fondos provenientes de las Donaciones que los integrantes de la comunidad puedan hacer. Para más información pueden visitar nuestra página.
Talleres de Oracion (Schedule)
Please contact (305) 593-6123, ext. 401 for more information
The Schoenstatt Family

New Groups! Areas: Doral, Miami, Weston and Homestead.
Biweekly meetings. Current issues. Spiritual Growth.
- Marriage with Holy Sacrament
- Desire to grow in faith
- Meeting every two weeks
Form solid marriages willing to grow in love and faith. Aspiring to the sanctity of everyday life.